Germantown Mom Gives Birth to Baby Boy on I-270 (PHOTOS)
UPDATED Baby Jacob gives new meaning to rush hour.
His mom, Amanda Nelson, gave birth to him along Interstate 270 near Shady Grove Road at 3:50 a.m. today, with the help of her husband, Jon, and a 9-1-1 operator. In the excitement of the early morning delivery, her husband missed the exit to the hospital and had to pull over on I-270.
“My husband delivered the baby, feet first. The dispatcher helped us from there,” said Amanda at a news briefing held in her hospital room.
Jacob Kenneth weighed in at 6 lbs., 12 oz. and his proud Germantown parents said his middle name honors both of their grandfathers.
As for the delivery, well it was a “rush.” “Five minutes, tops,” said Amanda who gave birth in the front seat of the car.
“Soon as you took off the seatbelt,” recalled Jon, who said the baby was not crying when he was first born. Jon said he rubbed his son’s chest until the baby started crying.
“I had no idea what I was doing,” said Jon. “It was an adrenaline rush.”
A scout master, Jon said he did have a first-aid kit in his car. He used the medical tape to tie off the umbilical cord.
When asked what she was thinking as it happened, Amanda said she was worried.
“It was especially terrifying in the moment because it was his feet that were coming first,” said Amanda. “I was extremely nervous.”
In fact, Amanda was scheduled to have a c-section next week because doctors knew the baby was breech. She woke up at midnight on Thursday with contractions and at 3:30 a.m. her doctor said she should head to the hospital. She told Jon to “drive really fast.”
“It almost seemed surreal,” Amanda said. “My body was numb.”
Jon said it took paramedics about five minutes to get to the scene after the baby was delivered.
Montgomery County fire and rescue crews transported Amanda and baby Jacob to Shady Grove Medical Center where they are both resting comfortably.
Amanda is also a fifth grade teacher for Montgomery County Public Schools, now on maternity leave, and Jacob is her third child.
“I think he is going to be trouble,” she joked.
ORIGINAL POST Baby Jacob gave new meaning to rush hour.
His mother, Amanda Nelson, gave birth to him this morning at about 4 a.m. on I-270 near Shady Grove Road.
Congrats….Baby Jacob was born on I270 this morn, Amanda & Jon Nelson & baby are all doing well – at local hospital pic.twitter.com/GtehvfGOhO
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) March 26, 2015
Local media listen to the Nelson’s tell story about trip to hospital. 911 operators & EMS crews from R’ville assisted pic.twitter.com/KFLUtQLpFW — Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) March 26, 2015
(350a) baby born on I270 near Shady Grove Rd, @MCFRS EMS evaluated mother & child & transported to nearby hospital
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) March 26, 2015
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