Gazette Publishes Final Issue in Montgomery County (VIDEO)
It’s the end of an era for readers of the Gazette newspaper in Montgomery County.
Montgomery's Historical Society Offers to Host Gazette Digital Archive

The Montgomery County Historical Society has offered to manage the digital archives of the now-defunct Gazette newspapers. Matt Logan, executive director of the Montgomery County Historical Society, said he has called officials at The Gazette to offer the society as a landing spot for the digital documents of the newspaper that published its last edition June 17. […]
As Gazette Era Ends, Archiving Discussion Begins

As The Gazette hits driveways and front stoops for the last time today, questions turn to how to preserve what has already been published. Rockville Councilmember Tom Moore told MyMCMedia he has reached out to The Washington Post to find out plans to archive the issues, but he said he has not gotten a response. […]
Leventhal Says Absence of Gazette is a "Terrible Loss" (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Montgomery County Council President George Leventhal shares his reaction about the news that the Gazette newspaper is closing. Shutting down The Gazette is a gigantic abandonment by The Washington Post Company of its responsibilities to the… Posted by George Leventhal on Friday, June 12, 2015
Digital Disruption and the Loss of the Gazette

No one can replace the Gazette. With the sudden announcement that the Montgomery County’s newspaper of record will print its last edition this week, there has been an understandable amount of shock and loss. The skilled staff of nearly 70 individuals (greatly downsized over the years of nearly-constant cutbacks) is the biggest loss of all. […]
Community and Gazette Staff React To Gazette's Closing on Social Media

The Washington Post Community Media is shutting down the Montgomery County Gazette and the community and staff of the newspaper took to social media to give their thoughts. Gazette staff told that next week’s editions are our last. Lot of great people lost their jobs today. pic.twitter.com/AnIZnMcMzR — Ken Sain (@GazSptsEd) June 12, 2015 Thank […]
UPDATED: Gazette Publishing Last Newspapers This Week

UPDATED, June 12, 12:09 p.m. – The Washington Post Community Media is shutting down the Montgomery County Gazette effective Aug. 11, according to the Washington Post. A letter from Donna Johnson, Post Community Media vice president, states the 69 affected employees are not represented by any labor organization. The Gazette offices are at 9030 Comprint […]
Sad to see a local prominent media have to come to a closure. Gazette has been a creditable, trustworthy source of community representation. Thank you to all of our ” valued” contributors. Gazette … You will be missed!