Gaithersburg’s Loose Leaf Collection Suspended

snow plowThe city of Gaithersburg is suspending loose leaf collection as of Dec. 9 due to the recent inclement weather. Loose leaf collection will resume later this week if weather permits and continue through the end of December. Loose leaf collection is generally made every five to seven days, usually on regular recycling days, which varies from neighborhood to neighborhood. For complete details visit

As a reminder, during periods of potential winter storm activity, please delay leaf raking until after the effects of the storm has passed. Also, do not rake leaves into gutters or streets. Rake them into grassy areas behind the curb line to allow water to flow into catch basins. This will help prevent catch basins from clogging and will help prevent street flooding. Assistance moving leaves already in gutters to grassy areas would be greatly appreciated.

For more information contact the city of Gaithersburg Department of Public Works at 301.258.6370.

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