UPDATED: Public Hearing on Kentlands Apartments Plan Delayed Until Next Year (PHOTOS)

kentlands apartments sign sdp gaithersburg planningUPDATED A public hearing to discuss the Kentlands Apartments plan has been postponed until next year.

Gaithersburg Planning and Code Administration Director John Schlichting said the joint public hearing has been postponed to Jan. 17.

According to Schlichting, the deferral was requested by the Colonnade Community Association and the developer agreed.

The item will remain on the Nov. 7 agenda but there will be no presentation.

Instead, planner Jasmine Forbes said the Mayor and Council will be asked to vote on a motion continuing the public hearing to Jan. 17. She said city notification signs posted at the property will be updated on Nov. 8th.

You can find more information about this proposed project, here.

sdp_7362_2016ORIGINAL POST A Schematic Development Plan (SDP) application to construct two six-story apartment buildings and a seven-level parking structure at the corner of Quince Orchard Road and Great Seneca Highway has been filed at Gaithersburg City Hall.

The mayor, city council members and planning commission members are scheduled to discuss the Kentlands Apartments SDP application at a joint public hearing at 7:30 p.m. on Nov. 7th at City Hall.

According to background material posted online, the SDP proposes to build 295 apartments. That proposal includes 59 studio apartments, 132 one-bedroom units, 95 two-bedroom units and nine three-bedroom units. The project would also include 5,800 square feet of assembly and amenity space, including a pool, fitness room, party room and game room. The proposed development includes 423 parking spaces, and 17 bicycle spaces.

The applicant is proposing 45 moderately priced dwelling units (MPDUs), according to the city’s background information, and the developer’s affordable housing plan is currently under review by the Division of Housing and Community Development.

kentlandsapartments1City staff has calculated that the project would generate approximately 34 students and noted that two schools (Rachel Carson Elementary and Quince Orchard High) that serve this property are currently over capacity.

The property involved in this application is not considered part of the Kentlands Community Association. The existing property is currently the site of a vacant parking lot and a restaurant.

Some Kentlands residents have written emails to the mayor expressing concern about the proposed development and the impact on the area’s traffic and schools, and the project has generated a lot of discussion on Next Door.

Gaithersburg planner Jasmine Forbes said that staff is recommending that the Planning Commission hold the record open until Nov. 30 and the Mayor and City Council hold the record open to Dec. 13.

You can find more information about the Kentlands Apartments SDP, here.

PHOTOS | Phil Fabrizio

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at sburke@mymcmedia.org or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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