Gaithersburg Residents Outraged by ‘White Genocide is Real’ Note

A number of Gaithersburg City residents are outraged by a note circulating the community titled, “White Genocide is Real.”

According to Gaithersburg City Police,  the notes were left on multiple doors and windshields over the weekend.  The letter states that by 2040, “white people will be a minority in a country founded by our ancestors.”  The note continues by stating, “If we don’t put an end to this now and reverse our own replacement the future of our children, our brothers, our sisters, and our spouses will be widdled down to nothing.”

“I am horrified by this,” Gaithersburg resident Nora Fitzpatrick, said. “Gaithersburg is such a diverse city and an awesome place to live […] I can’t believe it’s happening here.”

Gaithersburg City Police officials said while they are looking into the incident, it does not meet state criteria to be classified as a hate crime.

“We are aware of it and tracking information, but this is not a criminal offense,” said Gaithersburg Police Officer, Dan Lane. “We are, however, looking into this and encourage people to report any suspicious behavior to the police department.”


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Mitti Hicks

About Mitti Hicks

Mitti Hicks is a multimedia journalist and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media. She is passionate about telling stories that impact our community and may be reached at and on Twitter @mittimegan.


One Response to “Gaithersburg Residents Outraged by ‘White Genocide is Real’ Note”

  1. On June 6, 2018 at 1:01 am responded with... #

    As a Washington DC native and former Gaithersburg resident, I am outraged by this level of sheer ignorance. Did you so-called about-to-be extinct whites forget that you did not FOUND this country. You STOLE it just like you did India, Africa, West Indies, Australia and other countries/continents of INDIGENOUS people. My IROQUOIS ancestors have been in the US longer than any other peoples here. My AFRICAN ancestors were kidnapped, raped and murdered by British hoodlums in the late 1600s. So if you are suddenly the victims of “white genocide”, BOO-HOO! You are “responsible” for STEALING our art, music, inventions, culture, women, etc. You couldn’t dance before we showed you that the beat! Before you confiscated rap and hip-hop, you made a fortune from a cheating black musicians out of their songs and royalties. There would have been no Elvis without black gospel and blues.

    Stop your whining! I’m light-skinned because your men raped female (likely MALE) African slaves. It’s our people who built this country on our backs through blood, sweat and tears which still soak the soil of this lawless, racist country.

    Any white American who buys into this propaganda that is “thisclose” to Nazi thinking should be ashamed!

    Trumpelstiltskin has gotten you whites confused. Now you think it’s alright to come out of the closest with your inbred racism that runs deep here. Roseanne just lost her damn job but you whites are still acting a fool. Now the world can see what African-Americans have known for centuries: RACISM IS REAL IN AMERICA! Kick rocks, Gaithersburg, if you allow this cancer to flourish and grow. Watch your back, Trump, if you don’t PUBLICLY denounce this behavior!

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