Gaithersburg Officials Want Your Opinion on City’s Budget Priorities

PHOTO| City of Gaithersburg

Gaithersburg city officials are asking residents to submit feedback on next year’s budget priorities.

A seven-question survey will be available for residents until Jan. 26.

Responses will be reviewed and analyzed for consideration for Fiscal Year 2019, according to a news release.

“The Budget Public Forum moved online for the first time as we were preparing for FY 18 budget,” Britta Monaco, director of the department of community and public relations, said. “By hosting the forum in the digital world, we received 120 responses, considerably higher than the number of people who gave comment when the Forum was held during a traditional meeting at City Hall.”

The FY 19 budget will be scheduled for public hearing on April 16. City officials are expected vote on a budget early June.

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