Gaithersburg Invites Residents to Virtual Meet-n-Greet With City Manager Candidates
The two finalists for Gaithersburg City’s Manager position will be able to meet the public through a Zoom meeting on Thursday July 9 at 5:30 p.m.
More than 90 applicants were interested in the position as a result of a national search conducted by The Novak Consulting Group. Multiple interviews later, the Mayor and City Council selected Tanisha Briley, current City Manager for Cleveland Heights, Ohio and Dennis Enslinger, the Deputy City Manager of Gaithersburg, as the finalists, according to Gaithersburg city’s press release.
“Gaithersburg’s City Manager is appointed by the City Council and serves as the chief administrative officer, managing operations in accordance with policies and procedures set forth by the elected officials,” explained the city’s press release. “The position has been vacant since the retirement of Tony Tomasello on May 7, 2020. He had worked for the City for nearly 25 years, serving as City Manager since 2012.”
Residents and city stakeholders must register before 4 p.m. on July 9 to attend the event. The Zoom link will then be emailed to the registered parties.
“During the session, guests will be asked to use the “Raise Hand” feature for the moderator
to allow them to ask their question. After the session, guests will receive a link to provide feedback via an
online survey,” according to Gaithersburg’s press release.
Feedback from the public during this meeting will help the Mayor and City Council come to a final decision in the following weeks, said the same press release. Similar information on the meeting can be found on the Gaithersburg city news page.
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