Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber to Host Sexual Harassment Workshop

The Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) and Launch Workplaces -on Friday, January 12- will host a training session on sexual harassment in the workplace and what you need to know in today’s uncertain landscape.
Sexual harassment in the workplace has been considered a form of discrimination on the basis of sex in the United States since the mid 1970’s, but it seems to have been a growing epidemic. Throughout 2017, women – and men – came forward bringing allegations of sexual harassment against their employers and co-workers. Among others, Harvey Weinstein, Matt Lauer, Kevin Spacey, Mark Halperin and Bill O’Reilly, together with the companies with which they were affiliated, have come under fire.
Employers across the country are grappling with new and revisited allegations about hostile work environments as more and more alleged victims come forward with their claims. With prominent initiatives forming to combat sexual harassment in the workplace, these issues are likely to develop further in 2018. Could you be the next person to lose your job because of a sexual harassment claim? Don’t put yourself or your company at risk for sexual harassment.
Join the Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce (GGCC) and Launch Workplaces on Friday, January 12 for a training session on sexual harassment in the workplace and what you need to know in today’s uncertain landscape.
The event will feature Merry Campbell, Co-Chair of the Labor & Employment Group at Shulman Rogers, and Jody Friend, a human resources expert from JLM HR Consulting.
Campbell will discuss the most effective ways to avoid harassment allegations and what you should do if a concern is reported. Other discussion topics include:
- Trending issues in sexual harassment
- Preventing hostile work environments
- Avoiding harassment allegations
- Responding to workplace misconduct claims
Friend will speak on means and measures to take to ensure a respectful workplace.
Workshop will take place on Friday, January 12, 2018 from 8:00 – 9:30 a.m. at Launch Workplaces, 9841 Washingtonian Boulevard, Suite 200, Gaithersburg. The event is free to attend with advance registration at www.ggchamber.org.
The GGCC is active in providing business-to-business networking opportunities throughout the year: a collective voice in local, regional, and state legislative affairs, professional development opportunities and other services that enhance the business environment. The GGCC is located at 910 Clopper Road, Suite 205N, Gaithersburg, MD. To learn more about the GGCC visit us at www.ggchamber.org. Find us on Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Gaithersburg-Germantown-Chamber-of-Commerce/64339954570. Or on Twitter at: @GGCCNEWS.
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