Gaithersburg Counts the Homeless
Gaithersburg city officials have announced they found eight homeless people living in the city and three of them agreed to complete surveys as part of the 100,000 homes campaign conducted on Nov. 4-6.
In addition, the Gaithersburg Team identified several other homeless people just outside the city and team members were successful in getting two of them into treatment.
During Montgomery County’s 100,000 Homes Campaign Registry Week, 300 volunteers participated in a variety of activities, including canvassing the county surveying homeless individuals for three days. Complete results from these surveys will be announced at the campaign’s community/media debrief event on Nov. 13.
In addition to the debrief, formerly homeless individuals will share their stories, and County Executive Isiah Leggett and Council members will speak to some of the realities of homelessness such as how people living on the street are likely to die 25 years earlier than the general population and how permanent housing is more cost effective than hospital, jail, and shelter recidivism.
Learn more by visiting http://www.mcch.net/endhomelessness/homescampaign.html.
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