Gaithersburg Airpark Passes Md. Aviation Admin. Inspection
The Montgomery County Airpark got a passing grade from the Maryland Aviation Administration at a recent inspection.
The MAA performed an interim inspection of the airpark on Jan. 28.
According to the letter from William Krozack, airport services manager for the Office of Regional Aviation Assistance to Montgomery Revenue Authority Executive Director Keith Miller, “the facility meets and/or exceeds compliance requirements as stipulated within the Code of Maryland Regulations 11.03.04.
Based at the airpark are 135 single engine planes; three jets, two helicopters and 16 twin engine aircrafts, according to the latest Airpark statistics.
The MAA visit was a physical inspection of the aipark not a review of the operations there, according to Miller. Miller said the inspection looked at approach and take off maintenance examining both for obstructions such as trees or other overgrown foliage. The inspection also looked at airpark lights and training aids.
The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association also reviewed the airpark to review the Fly Friendly procedures for pilots. John Collins, AOPA airport Policy manager, wrote in an email obtained by MyMCMedia, that the procedure is a “very sound document.” Collins made several small suggestions to the documents distributed to pilots using the Gaithersburg airpark regarding suggested crossing wind notations.
Collins suggested in the email that the Revenue Authority publicize the Fly Friendly procedures including posting them on the airport’s websites, on flying club website, social media and copies given to local homeowner’s associations and civic groups.
Miller said he the Airpark’s website is currently undergoing an upgrade. He also said he is willing to have a meeting with the community on issues brought to the Airpark Liaison Committee regarding concerns about safety and noise. Miller said he expects county officials to take the lead setting that meeting up.
Meanwhile, a National Transportation Safety Board review of the December crash of a jet into a Gaithersburg neighborhood killing the three on board and three more people on the ground is still not completed. NTSB officials have said it could take up to a year to finalize it.
You can read the MAA report here.
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