UPDATE: Gaithersburg Cancels Lucky Dog 5K
Update, Feb. 25: The City of Gaithersburg has cancelled the upcoming Lucky Dog 5K race scheduled for March 15 due to unforeseen circumstances. More information may be found here.
Original: Registration is open for Gaithersburg’s newest 5K race, The Lucky Dog. The race, open to runners or walkers and their dogs, takes place on Sunday, March 15 at 8:30 a.m.
The race course starts at Fields Road Elementary School, winds it way through Malcolm King Park and finishes back at the school. An Animal Control Officer will be present at the race to handle any unexpected issues with the dogs.
The city’s recreation department are hoping for 150 participants for the inaugural Lucky Dog 5K.
While it may not be as fun, runners may participate in race without a dog.
There are a few rules for the dogs who participate. They include:
- All dogs must be licensed and vaccinations must be current as of race day.
- Proof of Rabies vaccine should be available.
- Dogs must be leashed; retractable leashes are not recommended, but should be set at six feet if used.
- Disposable bags for pet waste will be provided with race packet pick-up.
Information on pet licenses and rabies clinics in Gaithersburg is available online.
Registration for the race is currently open with an early bird entry fee of $33 through March 1. Entry for those registering between March 1 and 14 is $35. Registration the day of the event is $40. Register online here.
A portion of the proceeds benefits the Dolores C. Swoyer Camp Scholarship fund, providing financial support to Gaithersburg families so children can participate in the summer camp experience.
The registration link is not working. Going to the race website, there is no race listed with that name? Any help?
The race has been canceled.