Five Things to Know for May 3 in Montgomery County
Temperatures today may reach 90 degrees or higher for the second day in a row. Here are five things to know for Thursday, May 3, in Montgomery County:
1. Mass Casualty Active Shooter Drill: Don’t be alarmed if you observe emergency vehicles and personnel on, or receive an emergency alert from the Rockville Campus of Montgomery College. The campus is participating in an emergency test Thursday morning from 9 a.m. to noon.
2. Planning Board meets: The Planning Board has a full agenda of items including their final work session on the draft of the County’s first Bicycle Master Plan, zoning text amendments for Signature Business Headquarters (AmazonHQ2), and two Agricultural Reserve zoning text amendments. See the board’s agenda, here.
3. 6th Congressional District Candidate Forum: Democrats in the June 26 primary for the 6th congressional district will participate in a forum tonight from 7:30 to 9 p.m. at Gaithersburg High School.
4. Parks Summer Program Guide: The Montgomery Parks Summer listing of programs is scheduled to be available online today. Copies will be at facilities starting tomorrow, May 4.
5. Candidate information available: Montgomery Community Media’s comprehensive look at local races, including candidate statements, clips from forums and more can be found here.
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