Five Education Forums Scheduled Around Montgomery County Begin Feb. 21
Residents will have the chance to hear information and to offer comments on the programs and budgets of Montgomery County Public Schools and Montgomery College in a series of public forums that start Feb. 21, a county statement said.
Montgomery County Council Education Committee Chair Craig Rice, MCPS Superintendent Jack Smith and college President DeRionne Pollard will host the meetings. This is the fourth year county education leaders are conducting a Countywide tour to address the school budget process.
The forums will address how the school board, county executive and County Council establish budget priorities. At the forums, subjects will include what the school system and college are doing to prepare for fiscal 2019, which he council will adopt in May and which begins July 1.
Residents also will hear how they can influence decisions that will be made as the county works to adopt next year’s budget.
All forums will be held from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. The schedule for the forums:
- Wednesday, Feb. 21: Damascus High School, 25921 Ridge Road, Damascus.
- Wednesday, Feb. 28: Montgomery College, Rockville Campus Theater Arts Building, 51 Mannakee Street, Rockville.
- Wednesday, March 7: John F. Kennedy High School cafeteria, 1901 Randolph Road, Silver Spring.
- Wednesday, March 14: Robert Frost Middle School cafeteria, 9201 Scott Drive, Rockville.
- Monday, March 10: White Oak Middle School cafeteria, 12201 New Hampshire Avenue, Silver Spring.
For more information about any of the forums, call Rice’s office at 240-777-7955 or email him at:
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