Firefighter Falls Thru First Floor at House Fire in Takoma Park

Dozens of Montgomery County firefighters battled a house fire at 118 Park Avenue in Takoma Park on Saturday night.
One firefighter fell thru the the first floor of the burning house, officials said. The firefighter was able to self rescue and was not injured, according to a fire department spokesperson.
Fire and Rescue Spokesperson Pete Piringer said the house fire involved the basement, first floor and deck. He said damages are estimated at $250,000.
There was no one home at the time of the blaze and no injuries were reported at the scene. Piringer said the family who lives there is going to have to stay elsewhere because of the significant damage to the Cape Cod style home.
The cause of the blaze has been ruled accidental, Piringer said, and was electrical in nature.
MoCo Takoma Pk house fire, FF ‘Close Call’ pic of hole in floor (FF fell thru) & FFs working in bsmt after the fire pic.twitter.com/gRccA7sTQ2
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
U/D 118 Park Av; 1 family displaced; Cause, accidental, elec in nature; Damage, >$250K; area of origin, bsmt; no inj pic.twitter.com/YU9kfkUal4
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
Update – Takoma Park house fire brief narrative by MCFRS Incident Commander, Battalion Chief Matt Carrigan pic.twitter.com/cMm04nlsmG
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
118 Park Av, Takoma Park, fire in unoccupied house, 1 FF initially fell thru fire damaged fl & self- rescued, no inj pic.twitter.com/HrHVkDXaiz
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
Update – 118 Park Av, included 8E, 3Tk, 2RS, 2EMS & support units from MCFRS & PGFD, no injury, significant damage pic.twitter.com/D8wPxyhz0Z
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
Update – Park Av, >75 FFs on scene, significant damage, house unoccupied, fire involved bsmt, 1st floor, deck, etc pic.twitter.com/CMIeoNA07c
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
Update 118 Park Ave., TP, large Cape Cod style home, fire on all floors, fire is out, FFS checking for extension, pic.twitter.com/dwwuN2OoFT
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
Update – 100blk Park Av, TP, 2.5 sty house, fire in basement, deck & 1st floor, FFs have firefight, 1 FF fell thru floor & has self rescued
— Pete Piringer (@mcfrsPIO) January 31, 2016
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