“Fabulous” Reviews for Media Training Class (Photos)

We are so excited to announce that award-winning broadcast journalist Andrea McCarren is returning to MCM on April 1 to lead a media training class from 7-9 p.m. at our television studios.

You may remember that McCarren, who is also employed at WUSA-TV (Channel 9) as an anchor, reporter and producer, taught a media training class in late January at our station and the reviews for that session have been just phenomenal.

During the two-hour workshop, participants were videotaped on camera and interviewed about their particular fields of interest and future plans. McCarren critiqued the interviews in class and provided ideas and tips for improvement. Here’s more specific info about the training she provides:

–how to prepare for an on camera interview by learning how to think like a reporter.
–how to craft and deliver meaningful soundbites for taped and live interviews.
–how body language plays an important role in how you come across on camera.
–what to wear for your television appearances and what not to wear!
–how to become a media friendly source or expert.

In case you are wondering who signs up for media training, the first class included a wide range of professions: there were authors, business owners, a television production volunteer, a banker, a Congressional staffer, a recent college graduate, a physical therapist, a language expert, etc. Everyone said they had a great time.

Here’s what else they were saying after the class:

“I think the entire class could, and would have sticked around for two more hours, not just for the invaluable amount of information and insight provided by you, but also to remain in that very positive, supportive and kind environment you had created with the entire group of participants. Like all my fellow tranees, I am already looking forward to a possible advanced training and I will definitely encourage every volunteer producer I work with at MCM to look into the possibility to participate in one of your future training sessions, either at MCM or though your training company.” Robert

“It was nice meeting everybody yesterday. Everyone was so friendly and supportive which was awesome. What touched me particularly after the program was how the trainees had a genuine interest in what each other’s career goals are and motivated each other to keep on pressing forward. That just warmed my heart! Thank you, Andrea and MCM for such a wonderful program. I learned a lot, and I look forward to the advanced class in the spring. I hope to see you all sooner than later.” Diane

“The message I got today was about following our dreams. The greater the passion, the clearer the message came through. Thank you Andrea, everyone at MCM and all of my classmates for helping me today. I learned a lot.” Karen

“Thank you Andrea for a fact-filled and fascinating express media workshop! Your energy and upbeat approach is wonderful! What I particularly enjoyed from this morning was how we all come from very different areas of expertise but yet we all share a passion for what we are doing. I look forward to seeing (or hearing) all of you on tv and radio!” Kit

“It was so super great to meet all of you this morning! Thank you so much Andrea for the fabulous workshop! I hope you will offer the follow up for us! Would love to stay in touch with all of you and what you are doing with your dreams and passions!” Laura

“Many thanks to Andrea for pushing us way out of our comfort zone today. You know you’re doing something right when it scares you! Simply fantastic.” Courtney

Registration is now underway for the April 1 class. Don’t delay. It’s important to sign up now because class size is limited. You can register right here: Media Training with Andrea McCarren

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at sburke@mymcmedia.org or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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