Ervin Enters Congressional Race

Valerie Ervin, the former Montgomery County Councilmember, made her bid for Congress official today with the launch of her campaign via a website video.

Ervin joins five other candidates seeking the Democratic nomination for the 8th Congressional District seat left open by Rep. Chris Van Hollen who is vacating the seat to run for the U.S. Senate seat of retiring Sen. Barbara Mikulski.

Ervin had been the executive director for the Center for Working families, but a message on the organization’s website said she has resigned that post to take on the job of executive director of the National Participatory Democracy Project, which is a project of the Working Families Organization. Ervin could not immediately be reached for comment.

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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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