Environmental, Noise and Traffic Studies Underway at Sites Considered for Relocating Buses

busdepot4The search for a new site to relocate hundreds of school buses from the Shady Grove Bus Depot off Crabbs Branch Way is continuing, according to General Services Director David Dise.

“We are performing environmental, traffic and noise studies at various sites as we finalize recommendations for the Executive,” said Dise. “We should have all studies in hand by mid-December after which we will schedule community meetings, per the Executive’s direction. At that time, we will make public the sites being considered.”

Earlier this year, county officials were proposing the relocation of some of the school buses to a site at the Carver Educational Services Center in the city of Rockville, and to another site on Westmore Avenue. Many residents opposed those locations citing traffic, noise and pollution concerns and the sites were formally removed from consideration about five months ago.

In a memo dated June 23 and addressed to County Council President Nancy Floreen, Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett said he was directing his staff to “finalize a plan” for relocating the school buses from the Jeremiah Park site. In that memo, Leggett said once he approves that plan it will be presented to the County Council.

At her weekly news briefing on Nov. 21, Floreen said the Council had not received any updates to date on the school bus relocation plan.


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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at sburke@mymcmedia.org or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


One Response to “Environmental, Noise and Traffic Studies Underway at Sites Considered for Relocating Buses”

  1. On November 22, 2016 at 12:21 pm responded with... #

    thank you for this outdated, information-less article.

    It reports on a story 5 months ago that has been publicly known for months and offers no new insight. its almost as if you just kind of stopped half way or forgot to copy and paste the rest of the document.

    good writing.

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