Education and GO Committees to Discuss MCPS Bus Depot
A joint meeting of the County Council’s Education and Government Operations and Fiscal Policy committees is set for 9:30 a.m. on July 13th and on the agenda is a proposed special appropriation of $27 million to relocate the Shady Grove Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) bus depot and maintenance facility.
“I am recommending a supplemental appropriation to the FY Capital Budget and amendment to the FY 15-20 Capital Improvements Program in the amount of $27,000,000 for the MCPS Bus Depot and Maintenance Relocation Project,” Leggett said in a memo dated June 29th and transmitted to Council President George Leventhal. “Appropriation for this project will fund additional costs related to the relocation of the MCPS bus depot currently located at the County Service Park West.”
Leggett wrote in the memo that “this increase is needed to start preliminary activities, including land acquisition, to facilitate the relocation of the MCPS bus depot from the county service park east to make way for transit oriented development as stipulated in the Shady Grove Sector Plan.”
In the background material posted on the Council’s website, Council staff says at this time “the interim relocation solutions under consideration do not include parking school buses at high schools.”
According to the Council staff memo, it is likely that an interim relocation solution will include use of the lot in front of the Carver Education Services Center.
Council staff is recommending approval of the CIP amendment and special appropriation, funded with interim financing, as requested. A public hearing on this request is tentatively scheduled for July 21.
The July 13 worksession will be held in the Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville. You can watch it live on Cable Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN or Channel 30 on Verizon. The meeting will also be streamed live at www.montgomerycountymd.gov/council/ondemand/index.html.
For more background information about this meeting, see the Council’s website here.
Blair Ewing Principal Communicates to Families Regarding Teacher's Death

A Montgomery County school teacher was discovered deceased at her home in Clinton, Md. Monday night. Anika Browne taught at the Blair Ewing Center in Rockville. The Prince George’s police are investigating Browne’s death as a “domestic-related murder/suicide.” In a letter sent home to the families, Principal Damien Ingram described Browne as a teacher who […]
MCPS Special Education Teacher Found Dead in PG County Home

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Education and GO Committees to Discuss MCPS Bus Depot

A joint meeting of the County Council’s Education and Government Operations and Fiscal Policy committees is set for 9:30 a.m. on July 13th and on the agenda is a proposed special appropriation of $27 million to relocate the Shady Grove Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) bus depot and maintenance facility. “I am recommending a supplemental […]
County Committee Orders Two Studies for MCPS Alternative Education Program (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

Opponents of a Montgomery County Public Schools’ plan to move the county’s Alternative Education Program from the Blair G. Ewing Center to the English Manor School property off Bestor Drive won a small victory Thursday afternoon. The Montgomery County Council’s Education Committee approved a plan Thursday that has the county’s school system looking at both […]
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