Duncan Releases New Silver Spring Transit Center Video

The county executive’s race is getting a little more quiz like in Montgomery County.

Democratic candidate Doug Duncan say he is still waiting for answers when it comes to the Silver Spring Transit Center (SSTC) and now he has released a You Tube video, entitled “The Silver Spring Transit Center Through the Years,” documenting the timeline of the SSTC and punctuated with theme music from the Jeopardy game show along with some historic, pop culture tidbits.

“While the video is a lighthearted way to look at this failure to deliver, I take this subject very seriously,” said Duncan in the about section of the video. “Our county leaders have been silent to my request for answers to the problems at the Silver Spring Transit Center. But I believe that by standing together, we will not be ignored. The time has come for answers.”

You can watch the video, below, and then let us know what you think.



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