Dog Dies in House Fire on Peach Tree Road in Boyds (PHOTOS)

A Boyds family escaped a fire in their home thanks to one of their dogs who alerted them to the blaze early Tuesday morning



The family told firefighters that at about 1:45 a.m. Tuesday one of their five dogs alerted them to a small fire in the house. It is unclear the origin of that fire. When the family opened the windows of the home on Peach Tree Road to air out the house, it fed the the fire that was inside the walls of the home, according to Montgomery County Fire and Rescue Spokesman Pete Piringer.

When firefighters arrived the three members of the family were able to get out of the home, but one of the dogs, described as an award-winning Frisbee champion Australian Shepherd was trapped on the second floor. Piringer said firefighters rescued the dog but were unable to revive him.

The fire caused an estimated $150,00 in damages to the home, Piringer said.

Firefighters were back on Peach Tree Road Tuesday afternoon going door-to-door checking smoke alarms in the neighborhood.

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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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