DeVaul Pulls Name from Contention for County Chief Position
Takoma Park Police Chief Antonio DeVaul pulled his name from contention to be the next Montgomery County police chief.
News reports have named Tonya Chapman, the former chief of Portsmouth, Va., as the other contender for the position. It was unclear Wednesday evening whether County Executive Marc Elrich would consider any of the other applicants.
As many as 20 applications were received to succeed J. Thomas Manger, who led the 1,300-member Montgomery County force. He announced his retirement in January. He took a position with the Major Cities Chiefs Association, which is based in Washington, D.C.
DeVaul could not be reached for comment. His decision was confirmed by county spokesman Ohene Gyapong.
Council Vice President Sidney Katz, who also chairs the council’s Public Safety Committee, declined to comment.
Councilmember Tom Hucker, who also serves on the Public Safety Committee, said he was a “big fan” of DeVaul.
“He’s doing great work in Takoma Park,” he said.
Hucker said he hadn’t met Chapman.
“If she’s the nominee, I look forward to meeting her,” he said.
Councilmember Craig Rice used DeVaul’s announcement to restate his support for Acting Chief Marcus Jones, who has spent decades with Montgomery County police.
If Chapman becomes Chief, the entire department is doomed. Officers have faith in him and he has the support of the community as well. He has the ability to begin change to department and make it not one that Officers are counting the days to retirement.