Design Your Own Space with Courtney!
Hi! I am Courtney Lee: a 17 year old Seneca Valley High School Student doing a one year media internship at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). I am interested in media and journalism, and I believe that this internship with help me get my start. I plan to use the experiences and resources that I get during this internship to help me while I am in college and, hopefully, to help me get a successful career start as a broadcast journalist. I am excited to start my internship, and I can’t wait to see what there is for me at MCM.
Currently, I am in the National Honor Society and Key Club. Key Club gives you opportunities to help out your community as a volunteer. I am also in a club called “Best Buddies.” In Best Buddies we play games and hang out with Seneca Valley High School students who have mental challenges/disabilities. Best Buddies has to be the best club in which I have ever been a part. It is extremely fun, and I would encourage you join it, if you have a Best Buddies program at your school. I promise that you will not regret it.
After high school I plan on going to college in Boston. I am looking at a lot of colleges, such as Northeastern University and Simmons College. I would really love to go to either Boston University or Boston College. I love to talk about recent events ranging from the 2012 President elections to whom was the best dressed at the Oscars. So, I have decided to major in broadcast journalism and to minor in public relations.
While I am an intern at MCM, I will be writing a weekly blog about designing your own space in your college dorm. Yes, it is my senior year in high school and my fellow seniors and I are getting ready to graduate. We are sending out college applications and taking SATs. Let’s also get excited about our futures in college and start designing our own space in our future college dorms.
Yes, I’m writing about dorm room shopping! It’s never too early to start designing your space. Remember, it will be your home for the next several years! If you are a teen that is staying home and you are going to attend a local college, my blog will help you make your room look more organized and more mature to fit your new college life style.
I will inform you of the best local deals for your new student budget, and I will be giving you ideas and DIY’s (Do It Yourself) ways to store all your items without making your room look crowded. Everyone knows that dorm rooms are not the biggest rooms in the world; so, I will be helping you find a way to make your style work with the dorm. In the upcoming weeks I will be blogging different ideas to go with your style.
My next post will be all about pink! It will all be pink: pink trash bins, pink blankets, even a pink lamp! I will have cute and creative ideas for you to personalize your dorm. Guys, please, don’t think I forgot about you! I will also be doing some “manly” designs that will fit perfectly with a college guy’s style! I’ll show you sports themed rooms or cars themes. This weekly blog is just to give you ideas on what your room can be! You don’t have to follow perfectly my designs, but you can take what I am suggesting and find ideas that fit you.
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