Aerial photo of Gude Landfill

DEP to Host Meeting on Future of Gude Landfill on Oct. 19

Aerial photo of Gude LandfillThe Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection will hold an informational meeting to discuss the future of the Gude Landfill on Oct. 19 at Candlewood Elementary School in Rockville. The meeting is scheduled from 7 – 9:30 p.m.

According to a news release, the findings of the Gude Landfill Assessment of Corrective Measures (ACM) Report will be presented and discussed at the meeting. Topics include timeframes, communication and community outreach plans and potential short- and long-term uses of the landfill and the process and steps for determining eventual reuse.

The county has posted a list of questions and answers about the landfill on its website, here.

The full ACM Report and associated documentation is available for review at

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