Delegate Kumar Barve Announces He Plans to Run for Congress
State delegate Kumar Barve of Montgomery County announced today that he will run for the 8th Congressional District of Maryland.
The announcement follows Congressman Chris Van Hollen’s announcement that he will seek the Senate seat being vacated in 2016 by Senator Barbara Mikulski, who is the longest serving woman in Congress.
You can read some of Barve’s announcement, below:
“I am announcing today that I’m running for the open 8th congressional district of Maryland to help rebuild our middle class, restore hope in the American Dream, and grow our economy so that everyone has an opportunity to thrive and the freedom to live as they wish.
“I made history in 1990 at the age of thirty-two when I was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates and became first Indian-American ever to serve in a state legislature.
“For 25 years as a legislator, I have worked to earn your trust. As Majority Leader in the Maryland House of Delegates, I helped lead the effort to build the best public school system in America. I worked to foster economic growth through investments in biotechnology and information technology. I also fought to raise the minimum wage, expand health care to working families and keep college tuitions low.
“Today, as Chairman of the Environment and Transportation Committee, I’m battling the Republican agenda to roll back environmental protections that make our families and communities safe.
“In the private sector, I’m an accountant and the Chief Financial Officer of a local environmental and hazardous waste remediation company. I know how to create jobs, promote the private sector and still protect the environment.
“I am ready to take my experience working for economic growth and fighting for our middle class to the federal level. I will build on the legacy of my friend, Congressman Chris Van Hollen, who is seeking the open Senate seat.
“When my dad crossed the Atlantic in 1958, wondering what America held for him and his family, he probably never imagined his son would ever get the opportunity to run for Congress. This isn’t going to be easy. Offering bold and innovative proposals to rebuild our middle class and grow our economy never is.
“But with your help, we can do this together and make our country great again for everyone.”
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