Delaney and Sarbanes Stand Up 4 Transportation Today

U.S. Representatives John Delaney and John Sarbanes are scheduled to join Montgomery County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) Acting Director Al Roshdieh, MCDOT Division of Transit Services Chief Carolyn Biggins and other federal and county officials at a “Stand Up 4 Transportation” event, one of more than 100 such efforts being organized nationwide by the American Public Transportation Association to promote passage of a long-term federal transportation authorization bill.Print

The event is scheduled for noon today at the Equipment Maintenance Transit Operations Center at 16624 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville.

According to the American Public Transportation Association, today supporters around the nation are uniting in their communities and online to call on Congress to take action and pass a long-term surface transportation bill before federal funding expires on May 31.

Federal transportation monies help fund new Ride On buses, Metrorail, the future Purple Line, bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure and other critical projects.

You can find out more about the transportation initiative here.


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