photo Daisy Castro

Daisy Castro at Strathmore (Video)

Strathmore Artist in Residence, Daisy Castro will perform on May 22 at 7:30 p.m. in the Mansion, 10701 Rockville Pike, North Bethesda. Young violinist Daisy Castro’s unique and visionary style of playing adds new excitement to music originating in Paris’ jazz age. Daisy is highly respected by the Gypsy Jazz communities both here and in Europe. Daisy will play Gypsy Jazz and original works, including the Strathmore-commissioned no0uveau tango piece, “Insomnia.” Castro will be joined by guitarists Kevin Doran & Marek Wojcik, and bassist, Jay Miles. Tickets are $15 and may be purchased by calling 301.581.5100 or online by visiting the Strathmore website.

Take a look at a video of Daisy Castro’s Gypsy Moth Quartet

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