MoCo Celebrates Car Free Day on Sept. 22 (VIDEO)

International Car Free Day is a worldwide event that encourages the use of transit, biking and walking instead of driving. Montgomery County will join the metropolitan region and Commuter Connections in celebrating World Car Free Day on Monday, September 22. Commuters can pledge to go Car Free or Car Lite by going to

Montgomery County Commuter Services (MCCS) staff will hold prize drawings and provide information on transportation options from 6:30 to 9 a.m. at the Bethesda, Friendship Heights, Shady Grove and White Flint metro stations and the Germantown and Silver Spring Ride On transit centers. Participants will be eligible to win prizes that include a Kindle Fire, Sole Custom Bicycle, health and fitness club annual membership and SmarTrip card with fare.

MCCS offers assistance to finding “Better Ways to Work,” year-round by walking, taking transit, carpooling, vanpooling, biking or teleworking. Check the County’s website at

Montgomery County provides and promotes a comprehensive, balanced transportation program that includes a wide variety of alternative transportation options for residents, businesses, employees and visitors. The County promotes the effective and efficient solutions to reduce pollution and transportation costs, help address climate change concerns and ensure the economic and environmental vitality of the community.

For more information about transportation options in the County, contact Commuter Services at Anyone traveling near downtown Silver Spring or Friendship Heights can stop in at the County’s TRiPS Commuter stores at 8413 Ramsey Avenue in Silver Spring and 17 Wisconsin Circle in Friendship Heights. Both stores are located within a short walk of Metrorail stations, sell transit fare media and provide a variety of personalized assistance with transportation alternatives.

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