County to Follow Hogan’s Guidelines on Schools, Large Events and Teleworking

On Thursday, Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich, County Health Officer Dr. Travis Gayles, and MCPS Superintendent Dr. Jack Smith provided an update on the local impact of the coronavirus [COVID-19].

Local officials gave an update to recent events after Maryland Governor Hogan’s announcement earlier in the day.

Important new actions announced by Hogan include all public schools will close from March 16 to March 27 and a recommendation to cancel or postpone events with attendees of more than 250 people across the state. Hogan also announced that all non-essential state employees have been asked to telework from home.

County Executive Marc Elrich says that, effective immediately, the county will be following the state’s guidelines. All recreation centers and libraries will also be closed starting Monday March 16. This applies to county facilities, and park and planning facilities.

Starting March 16, the county will move to a telework schedule for all employees who can.

County Health Officer, Dr. Travis Gayles explained that community spread in other Maryland jurisdictions means dynamics of the virus have changed and proactive measures need to be taken. Although social distancing is being encouraged, officials say people should continue to live their daily lives. If you are feeling sick, you are advised stay home and call your medical professional.

Local health officials say the risk to overall population is still low, and actions that are being put into place are to make sure things stay safe.

You can watch the entire press conference below:



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Jordan Lindsay

About Jordan Lindsay

Jordan Lindsay is a Reporter for My MC Media. Let her help tell your story by emailing


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