County Officials Provide Update on Snow Plow Operations at Bethesda Depot (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

leggettbethesda1Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett, Transportation Director Al Roshdieh, and Highways Services Chief Richard Dorsey provided an update about snow plow operations on Tuesday afternoon at the Bethesda Dept.

The local officials pledged to have at least one snow plow down every county street by 7 a.m. on Wednesday. If you haven’t seen a plow by then, they want you to notify the county.

At the briefing, the three officials also fielded questions from area reporters about the status of snow plow operations and Montgomery County’s popular 311 call system.

Throughout the briefing, Leggett commended county crews who he said were doing a good job following such a historic snow.

Since the blizzard began, Roshdieh noted that the plow operators have not been home for a good night’s sleep, a home-cooked meal or to even shovel their own driveway.

After the briefing, Leggett took a ride on a snow plow with operator Torrance Dawkins. The county is utilizing over 800 pieces of equipment for the multi-day snow clean-up operation.

“Given the progress we have made, I believe that every neighborhood road should be passable by 7 a.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, January 27,” said Leggett at the briefing. “That means that they should have received at least one pass from a plow and residents should be able to get out of their neighborhood.”

Leggett emphasized that this would not necessarily mean streets cleared to bare pavement and reminded residents that County crews would continue to work around-the-clock to improve street conditions and handle any missed streets.

After 7 a.m. Wednesday, residents who have missed streets should report them on the Snow Operations Map or go to

“Let us remember that our work is ongoing,” Leggett added.” We still have a lot of snow piled up impeding traffic flow on the County’s streets. Pedestrian access remains difficult. There are plenty of challenges ahead and the work will go on until we are wholly back to normal.”

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Sonya Burke

About Sonya Burke

Sonya Burke is the Multimedia Manager at Montgomery Community Media (MCM). You can email story ideas at or reach her on Twitter @SonyaNBurke.


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