County Leaders Announce Dramatic Reductions in Crime (Photos & Video)
Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett and Police Chief Thomas Manger, along with State’s Attorney John McCarthy and County Council President Craig Rice, announced today (Feb. 25) that total crime for 2013 in Montgomery County decreased nine percent from 2012 – part of a seven-year trend that totaled a 33 percent reduction in serious crime and a 26 percent decrease in all crimes.
You can watch the briefing in its entirety right here:
The 33 percent drop in serious crime in the County was more than twice the decrease in crime nationally over the same time period — and eight times lower than the rate of decrease for the previous seven years in the County (2000-06).
The 26 percent drop in all crimes in the County was three times lower than the nine percent drop nationally and contrasted with an 8 percent overall increase in crimes in the seven years before (2000-2006).
“Today, you can see – by the numbers – the progress that the County has made,” said Leggett. “Chief Manger, his command staff and the men and women of the department have worked harder, smarter and more creatively to produce these numbers and to better protect the lives and property of the residents of Montgomery County.
“None of this happened by accident. When I assumed office, Montgomery County was spending beyond its means – over a 36 percent increase in the three years before I became County Executive. We had to stop unsustainable budgets. Then, of course, we had to weather the Great Recession that laid low our entire nation. Despite these challenges, we made public safety a priority.
“Between 2007 and 2014, our tax-supported County Government program budget went up 12 percent over seven years – but our spending for the Police Department more than doubled that – nearly 28 percent.”
At a Feb. 25. news conference, Police Chief Tom Manger explains why crime is down so dramatically in Montgomery County.
“The striking numbers we are announcing today highlight that the County Executive and Council have successfully worked together so that Montgomery County remains one of the best places to live, work and raise a family in a safe environment,” said Rice. “A few years ago, in response to community concerns and urging from police leadership, we began a reform of our policing districts and an increase in the number of officers to better address community policing needs.”
The 2013 year-end statistics show crime down in all categories except forcible rape (25 stranger, 104 known, 130 total, up from 21 stranger, 81 known, 102 total in 2012) and commercial robberies (up from 79 to 102) and commercial burglaries (up from 481 to 581).
In 2013 there were two changes that affected the reporting of rapes. In May of 2013, the police Family Crimes Division began taking over the investigation of all rapes where the victim and suspect were intimate partners as defined by law. Many of these investigations came through the Family Justice Center and were conducted with a high-level of victim support that may have given more victims the confidence to report the crime. Also in 2013, the Uniform Crime Reporting (UCR) standards began using a more comprehensive definition of sexual assault and rape to include the reporting of male victims, as well as female victims of these crimes. That did contribute to a slight increase in the recording of reported rapes.
While non-commercial robberies and burglaries did decline in 2013, the police department is analyzing the increases in commercial robberies and burglaries. In 2013, entire office buildings in the police 2nd District were targeted which had produced multiple victims. Officers have already developed initiatives with the business community such as: security evaluations, encouragement of the use of security cameras and proper maintenance of systems to try to reduce those incidents.
Uniform Crime reporting (UCR) statistics for year-end 2013 compared to year-end 2012 show:
Part I Crime decreased by 7.0% (18,498 to 17,198)
Part II Crime decreased by 9.9% (39,634 to 35,705)
Overall, Total Crime decreased by 9% (58,132 to 52,903)
Part I crimes are defined as: murder, rape, robbery, aggravated assault, burglary, larceny, and auto theft.
Part II crimes are defined as: minor assaults, arson, forgery-counterfeiting, bad checks, embezzlement, stolen property, vandalism, weapons offenses, prostitution, sexual offenses, controlled dangerous substance (CDS) violations, gambling, family offenses, juvenile offenses, liquor law violations, disorderly conduct, suicide, and non-traffic offenses.
A breakdown of Part I Crime statistics revealed that from 2012 to 2013:
Murder: decreased by 46.7% (from 15 to 8)
Rape: increased by 27.5% (from 102 to 130)
Robbery: decreased by 9.9% (from 829 to 747)
Aggravated Assault decreased by 8.2% (from 850 to 780)
Burglary decreased by 0.6% (from 2,602 to 2,587)
Larceny decreased by 7.7% (from 13,087 to 12,085)
Auto Theft: decreased by 15% (from 1,013 to 861)
Budget funding over the past seven years has financed portions of the Chief’s Three-Year Staffing plan – to include staffing of Public Community Action Teams (PCAT) and District Community Action teams (DCAT), more police District investigative positions to include the establishment of a separate 6th District Police Investigative Unit, and a Centralized Criminal Street Gang Unit.
Despite the trying economic times, the County was able to increase the full-time positions in the department – sworn and civilian – by more than 100.
Other multi-agency programs included the opening of the Family Justice Center to establish a one-stop shop to better served families who are victims of domestic violence. Also, the County Executive’s Positive Youth Development Initiative – a joint initiative of the Police, Recreation and Health and Human Services Departments — established after-school programs aimed at at-risk youth, provided resources for intervention to pull kids out of gangs and resources to suppress gang activity.
See photos from the news conference below:
Chief Manger says partnerships with communities, businesses & faith-based organizations in the county helps in the fight against crime.
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
Chief Manger says technology – such as license plate readers – has helped in the fight against crime.
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
Chief Manger says school resource officer program has been rebuilt.
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
Police Chief Manger said many factors played part in reduction of crime – says sector plan played big part. pic.twitter.com/NCfOn1OjD4
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
State’s Attorney John McCarthy says Police Chief Tom Manger may be best in the country.
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
State’s Attorney John McCarthy says collaboration is responsible for crime reduction: pic.twitter.com/WQHQL0Ojoo
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
Serious crime down 33-percent: pic.twitter.com/uUPqQwcb03
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
County crime down more than twice the national rate: pic.twitter.com/aTxoOJZUDM
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
County Executive Ike Leggett announces reductions in crime today at a news conference. pic.twitter.com/x3GjoNW9x3
— Sonya Burke (@SonyaNBurke) February 25, 2014
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