County Housing Fair Draws Many (Video)
Over 1,500 people attended the Montgomery County Housing Fair and Financial Fitness Day in Gaithersburg. Take a look.
Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming.
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County Housing Fair Draws Many (Video)

Over 1,500 people attended the Montgomery County Housing Fair and Financial Fitness Day in Gaithersburg. Take a look. Visit our PEG partner County Cable Montgomery to view more of its local programming. Additional Coverage:
County Housing Fair on April 27 (Video)

On April 27, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Montgomery County Housing Fair will be held at the Bohrer Park Activity Center, Summit Hall Farm (next to Gaithersburg High School), 506 S. Frederick Ave. in Gaithersburg. This free fair features more than 75 housing-related exhibits, including information about first-time homebuyer programs, closing cost assistance, information […]
Montgomery County Announces Housing Fair

The Montgomery County Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) invites realtors, property managers, homeowner associations, housing developers, assisted living communities, businesses, banks, credit unions, government agencies, community organizations and nonprofits to be sponsors and exhibitors at the 13th Annual Montgomery County Housing Fair and Financial Fitness Day. The fair will take place on Saturday, […]
Montgomery County Housing Fair (Video)

The 12th Annual Housing Fair was held on April 28 in Gaithersburg. Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett said the county is committed to helping residents throughout the county. Take a look. Contact Montogmery County’s Housing Assistance Line at 1-888-794-8830.
Housing Fair Set for April 28 (Video)

Montgomery County’s annual housing fair is scheduled for April 28 at the Bohrer Park Activity Center in Gaithersburg and the event focuses on loan modifications, free credit reports and guidance for people looking for affordable rental property. Homeowners that have been foreclosed on can also find out if they meet the criteria for financial assistance. […]
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