County Executive Candidates Forum Set for March 27

Safe Silver Spring will sponsor a candidates forum for County Executive on March 27 at 7:30 p.m. at the Long Branch Community Center, 8700 Piney Branch Rd, Silver Spring.

The meeting will be held in the second floor Social Hall.

All four candidates have accepted. Democrats: County Executive Ike Leggett, Former County Executive Doug Duncan, Councilmember Phil Andrews, and Republican: Jim Shalleck. The focus of the forum will be on criminal justice policy. Questions on this subject will be accepted in advance as well as from the floor.

Ed Clarke, Executive Director, Maryland Center for School Safety, will serve as moderator.

Cosponsors of this meeting are: Prezco (President’s Council of Silver Spring Civic Associations), Greater Silver Spring Democratic Club, Montgomery County Young Dems, Maryland Multicultural Youth Centers, Renter’s Alliance, Pyramid Atlantic, and Marylanders to Prevent Gun Violence.

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