County Council Meets Today

The Montgomery County Council is scheduled to meet today at a11 a.m. to receive a report from the Office of Legislative Oversight (OLO) evaluating the County’s Commission on Common Ownership Communities. The report on the commission that oversees regulations for Homeowners Associations and Condominium Associations includes four significant findings and three recommendations.County Council 2015 450x280.fw

The presentation of the OLO report will come during the Council’s regular weekly session that will begin at 10:45 a.m. in the Third Floor Hearing Room of the County Council Office Building at 100 Maryland Ave. in Rockville. The morning session, a public hearing scheduled for 1:30 p.m. and a 2 p.m. meeting of the Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment Committee, will be televised live by County Cable Montgomery (CCM—Cable Channel 6 on Comcast and RCN, Channel 30 on Verizon). The broadcast also will be streamed at:

The Council meeting will be rebroadcast on Friday, March 13, at 9 p.m. and will be available before that time on demand. You can see the council agenda here.

During the morning session, a resolution will be introduced that would remove the Office of Procurement from the Department of General Services in the County’s Executive Branch and create a separate Office of Procurement. The move is part of a reorganization plan requested by the County Executive.

The Transportation, Infrastructure, Energy and Environment (T and E) Committee, which is chaired by Councilmember Roger Berliner and includes Councilmembers Nancy Floreen and Tom Hucker, has held several worksessions on Bills 53-14, 54-14 and 55-14 that could significantly change the regulations for the County’s taxicab system and regard the new types of services such as Uber and Lyft.

At Tuesday’s worksession, the committee will discuss Councilmember Hans Riemer’s proposal that addresses concerns raised by a number of taxicab drivers through the Montgomery County Professional Drivers Union (MCPDU). The issues involve their relationships with taxicab companies, the transferability of Passenger Vehicle Licenses—including the sublicensing provisions in Bill 53-14—and the centralized electronic dispatch system that is the subject of Bill 55-14.

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Krista Brick

About Krista Brick

Krista Brick is a multi-media journalist with Montgomery Community Media.


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