Councilmember Branson On Honoring Her Mom This Mother’s Day

Councilmember Cherri Branson poses with her mother.

Councilmember Cherri Branson poses with her mother.

In honor of Mother’s Day, we asked local leaders to tell us about their moms and how their mothers inspire them today.

Councilmember Cherri Branson says her mom inspired her to dream big:

How has your mom inspired you through the years?

“My mother inspired me to pursue my dreams and encouraged me to understand that the world was a big place. We lived in Washington, DC.. She took me to the museums and art galleries on a regular basis. From those experiences, I was inspired to see and appreciate a world beyond my immediate neighborhood.”

What was her greatest gift to you?

Councilmember Cherri Branson and her mother.

Councilmember Cherri Branson and her mother.

“Tenacity. As a single mother, she had to have strength and determination. Although she worked as a teacher, she also went to school to obtain advanced degrees while raising a child alone. She always kept her goals in mind and taught me to do the same regardless of the obstacles. About two years ago, my mother had a stroke. As she recovered, she gave me a great gift–the ability to take care of her–returning the care that she had given me in my life.”

How will you honor her this Mother’s Day?

“My mother doesn’t like pomp and ceremony so we will do what she likes– go out to dinner.”

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Valerie Bonk

About Valerie Bonk

Valerie Bonk is a multimedia reporter and community engagement specialist with Montgomery Community Media (MCM).


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