Compensation Advisory Committee
Updated: Deadline is extended to Monday, Feb. 4.
The Montgomery County Council is seeking applicants for a citizens’ advisory committee to study compensation of the county’s elected officials. The County Council believes that there is a need to examine present compensation levels for the Sheriff, the State’s Attorney, the County Executive and members of the County Council.
The deadline to submit letters of interest to serve on the committee has been extended. Letters must be received no later than 5 p.m. on Monday, Feb. 4.
State law authorizes the County Council to establish the salary of the Sheriff and State’s Attorney for Montgomery County. The County Charter authorizes the County Council to set the compensation of the County Council and the County Executive for the succeeding terms of office. Changes in compensation levels apply only to future terms of these elected offices.
Currently, Council members receive annual compensation of $99,069 (the Council President receives 10 percent additional compensation), the Executive receives $180,250, the Sheriff receives $154,000, and the State’s Attorney receives $199,000. These salaries are increased each year by the annual average percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers for the Washington-Baltimore metropolitan area.
The Committee consists of five to seven members appointed by the Council. The Council will strive to appoint no more than a majority of members from one political party, and therefore encourages Democrats, Republicans and those who decline to affiliate with a party. In addition, the appointees may be a member of another party officially recognized by the Board of Elections.
The Compensation Committee must submit recommendations of compensation levels to the County Council by Sept. 15, 2013. Any changes in compensation adopted by the Council would be effective for the 2014-18 term of office.
Persons interested in serving on the committee should submit their letter of interest with a resume by Monday, February 4 at 5 p.m. to Council President Nancy Navarro, Montgomery County Council, 100 Maryland Avenue, Rockville, Md. 20850. Letters can also be sent by email to
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