Council President Katz Set to Host Third Weekly Business Briefing Friday

Montgomery County Council President Sidney Katz will host the third in a series of online business briefings on the economic challenges the County faces due to the Covid-19 public health emergency. The next online briefing takes place Friday, May 15 at 12:30 p.m.

Benjamin Wu, president and CEO of the Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation, and Bart Yablonsky, owner of Dawson’s Market in Rockville joined Katz for the second briefing which was held Friday, May 8. The purpose of the briefing was to help businesses in the County navigate through the new economic reality created by the pandemic. County Cable Montgomery’s Susan Kenedy moderated the briefing.

Watch a recording of the briefing below:


“Partnering with our local business community is more important now than it has ever been, as we face down the economic challenges presented by the Covid-19 crisis,” said Council President Katz. “As a former small business owner, I know how integral local businesses are and will continue to be to Montgomery County’s economy.”

Council President Katz will be joined by Gigi Godwin, president and CEO, Montgomery County Chamber of Commerce; and Marilyn Balcombe, president and CEO, Gaithersburg-Germantown Chamber of Commerce. Council President Katz will share information about the County’s efforts to support local businesses, and participants will discuss how the public and private sector can collaborate to meet the evolving economic needs of the County.

Residents can submit their questions for Council President Katz and the other participants by e-mailing Councilmember.Katz@MontgomeryCountyMD.Gov. Residents will also have the opportunity to submit questions in the Zoom chat during the question and answer portion of the briefing. Residents must register ahead of time for the Zoom briefing. by emailing Councilmember.Katz@MontgomeryCountyMD.Gov to participate. Residents will receive the Zoom call information by email when they register.

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