Council President Hucker: ‘Every Person In Montgomery County Deserves High Quality Health Care’

County officials are urging Congress to guarantee health coverage for residents through the Medicare for All Act of 2021. The legislation will provide national health insurance to all U.S. citizens and eliminate copays, deductibles, and other out-of-pocket costs.

“The number of uninsured Americans hit a staggering 32.8 million in 2019; in Montgomery County, that number was over 73,000. Every person in Montgomery County, every person deserves high-quality health care,” said County Council President Tom Hucker during his weekly virtual media briefing on Monday.

Hucker and Council Vice President Gabe Albornoz explain how the county plans to take decisive action to make health care coverage for all possible.

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Jordan Lindsay

About Jordan Lindsay

Jordan Lindsay is a Reporter for My MC Media. Let her help tell your story by emailing


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