Montgomery County Council picture

Council Meeting & Public Hearing Schedule

The next regular Council Session is scheduled for June 12, 2012.  The agenda schedule will be mailed and posted to the Montgomery County Council web site on June 7, 2012.  Please see the listing below for future Council meetings and public hearings.  Council Committees will meet on June 11, 2012; see the Committee agenda for a list of meetings.

 Future Council Meetings:

May 28, 2012                                     HOLIDAY

May 29 – June 8, 2012                     RECESS

June 12, 2012  9:30 am                   Regular Session

June 19, 2012  9:30 am                   Regular Session

June 26, 2012  9:30 am                   Regular Session


Public Hearing List:  To testify call 240-777-7803

June 12, 2012

1:30 pm                ZTA 12-08, Transit Station Zones- Minimum Size

1:30 pm                Amendment to the Master Plan for Historic Preservation:  Upper Patuxent Area Historic Resources

1:30 pm                Bill 19-12, Human Rights and Civil Liberties – Displaced Service Workers

7:30 pm                Bill 16-12, Trees – Utility Vegetation Management

June 19, 2012

7:30 pm                ZTA 12-07, Special Exceptions – Automobile filling stations

June 21, 2012 by T&E Committee

7:30 pm                Amendments to Ten-Year Comprehensive Water Supply and Sewerage Systems Plan:  water and sewer category changes

June 28, 2012

7:30 pm                Recommendations for proposed Charter Amendments 

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