Council Committees to Discuss Substance Abuse Prevention in Schools
Montgomery County Council’s Health and Human Services will join the Education Committee on Oct. 19 to discuss substance abuse and prevention in schools with Montgomery County Public Schools and the Department of Health and Human Services.
Substance abuse trends and suicide data for youth along with the collaborative efforts between MCPS and DHHS will also be discussed, according to a news release.
The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. and will be held in the Seventh Floor Council Hearing Room at the Montgomery County Council Building, 100 Maryland Avenue in Rockville.
The HHS Committee is chaired by Councilmember George Leventhal and includes Council President Roger Berliner and Councilmember Craig Rice. The ED Committee is chaired by Councilmember Rice and includes Councilmembers Marc Elrich and Nancy Navarro.
View the staff report below:
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