Congressman Raskin to Serve as Senior Whip for House Democrats

JamieRaskin_03-07-16In his first term, Maryland Congressman Jamie Raskin has been appointed as a Senior Whip for the House Democratic Caucus in the 115th Congress.

Raskin, a former Majority Whip of the Maryland State Senate, was appointed to the position by Democratic Whip Congressman Steny Hoyer.

“I am honored to serve as a Senior Whip in the 115th Congress,” said Raskin, who represents the 8th Congressional District in Maryland. “My Democratic colleagues that I have gotten to know so far are remarkably dedicated and interesting people. So I’m psyched to work with our Democratic Whip, Steny Hoyer, to keep our Caucus unified and focused on fighting for our besieged Constitution and America’s struggling middle class. We will work every day to defend the progress America has made over the last eight years.”

In a news release, Hoyer touted Raskin’s previous state legislative experience in Maryland, and said he looks forward to working with Raskin in the nation’s capital.

“I look forward to working with him on behalf of Marylanders and all Americans to increase access to the economic opportunities that have always enabled workers and their families to make it in America,” said Hoyer.

For more information about Congressman Raskin, visit his website here.

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One Response to “Congressman Raskin to Serve as Senior Whip for House Democrats”

  1. Avatar
    On January 10, 2017 at 9:13 am responded with... #

    great……just as he screwed up Annapolis, he will screw up Washington. (Didn’t think it was possible to get any worse).

    Ugh, hopefully someone will uncover some dirt on this guy and run him out of town. he is just dreadful.

    also, what is it about liberals an there hair? is a comb or a brush considered a tool of conservatism? Jeez! comb your hair man!

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