Congressman John Delaney on BOE’s Calendar Decision
U.S. Rep. John Delaney released the following statement on the Montgomery County Board of Education’s decision to strip religious labels from holidays on next year’s school calendar.
“I’d like to see Montgomery County Public Schools continue to recognize religious holidays on the calendar, including those important to the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faith communities. Eid al-Adha is a holy day for my many Muslim constituents and I believe it should be a school holiday.”
i believe that the public school does recognize them by giving the day off for those who worship. I use my personal calendar to remind me of the days, and the school calendar is used to let me know when I am to send my children to school. I am not sure why this calendar has become such a focal point; I never took the issue as one of a lack of acknowledgement of the importance of the day to the individual. I just see it as a simplification of a process. If you have your fith, you don’t need any one else’s acknowledgement.
i believe that the Muslim Holy Day should be a school holiday when all other religions have their holidays observed as school holidays. I am a Catholic and truly believe in fairness.
What about a church of Satan? Just wondering. I am personally a Roman Catholic but I still believe it is a legal argument.