Confederate Statue to be Removed in Rockville (VIDEO)
Montgomery County is in the middle of the national debate over what to do with confederate relics and symbols on public land. In this case, the debate surrounds a confederate soldier statue on the grounds of the Red Brick Courthouse in Rockville. Though County Executive Ike Leggett has decided to remove the statue, debate about its future continues. MyMCMedia’s Cindy Pena has more.
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” ~ George Santayana
How ignorant… These monuments were placed there for a reason… so that those who sacrificed for their communities would never be forgotten.
It’s shameful and disgusting that a single ill informed moron can just decide for the lot of us “peasants” what history is… What it means
Hilter, Stalin, ISIS and the Taliban would all be proud of Mr. Leggett
I was born in the segregated Suburban Hospital, in Bethesda, in 1946. Lived in Lincoln Park until 1962. I remember that statue well. The following are some of the memories I have when I think of that statue.
I remember attending segregated schools until I was in the 7th grade, when schools were integrated in Montgomery county. I remember not being allowed to sit at the drug store counter to have a soda, taking the fire escape steps up the back of the Rialto theater, to sit in the Negro section (the balcony). I remember, as a Negro, being allowed at the skating rink one night a week….same for the bowling alley.
Although I am grateful for my knowledge, friendships and other memories of life in Rockville, none of those memories are “good” memories, but that’s history. Why NOT remove this obvious reminder of the “dark” history in Rockville and our country. Not to forget, but perhaps put in a museum with other relics of the confederate army.