Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro (Intermediate)

Next Start Date: 11/16/2020
Prerequisites: Orientation (for Members)
Length: 2 Days (Mondays) 6 PM - 8 PM
Fee: $150 Non-Members / $125 MCM Members
Instructor: Linda Lawson, MCM Media Professional

Ages: 15 and up
Location: Online via Zoom
Dates: November 16th & November 23rd

Students will take their editing skills to the next level learning techniques such as color correction, multicam editing, timing your footage (speed up and freeze-frame footage), Chroma key (green screen removal), sound editing & cleanup techniques, as well as organizing your media.

Members who take this course will receive a certification that will allow them to utilize our MCM editing suite when our studios reopen.

Prerequisites: Adobe Premiere Pro beginner level of experience

Class Requirements: Participants must have Adobe Premiere Pro downloaded on their computer to participate in this virtual course. Participants must have reliable internet access and a computer to participate actively in this virtual class.

Need a refresher before taking this intermediate class?
Check out our Editing with Adobe Premiere Pro Bootcamp (Basic Refresher) on November 7th.
MCM members who have a Premiere Pro Certification through attending an MCM class get free admission to the Bootcamp with registration for this intermediate class. Please contact MCM staff for more information.

Members receive a discount for this class. MCM members please enter your member code to get discount. Want to join? Learn about member benefits & sign-up today!

Frequently Asked Questions:

Who should take this class?
Anyone who wants to enhance their skills with Adobe Premiere Pro. Class topics include color correction, multi-cam editing, manipulating footage’s speed, exploring essential sound panel, and working with chroma key.

What is the minimum amount of familiarity I should have with Adobe Premiere before taking the class?
This class is recommended for some who is comfortable editing in Adobe Premiere Pro or has taken a beginner Premiere Pro class. It is expected that you are familiar with the interface, understand how to import media, can do a basic edit and create simple text graphics.

What if it’s been a while since I used Adobe Premiere Pro? MCM has a basic refresher Adobe Premiere Pro Bootcamp you can sign up for. This one-day bootcamp will give an overview of information you learned in a beginner level class. It’s also a great refresh if it’s been a while since the last time you edited with the program.