Circuit Court Opens Child Waiting Facility
The Circuit Court for Montgomery County has opened a new child waiting facility, called “Kids Spot,” to provide a free play area for children ages 2 to 12 while their parents or legal guardians are conducting business within the Circuit Court building.
“Montgomery County Circuit Court is pleased to offer this new space for the youngest members of our constituency,” said Judge John Debelius, Administrative Judge for the Montgomery County Circuit Court. “We recognize that our parents often have pressing business within the Court and need a safe environment to accommodate their children.”
The new area is on the first floor of the South Tower, Room 1440. Kids Spot is open every day the Circuit Court is open, Monday – Friday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closing for lunch between 12:30 and 1:15 p.m. Because the facility closes for lunch, it cannot be used by residents serving jury duty.
The center is staffed by two experienced child care professionals from Family Services, Inc. who have been screened, trained, and qualified to work with children of different ages. To ensure the safety of the children, photos are taken during the registration process of both the child and the parent or guardian so families can be matched when the child is picked up. Parents and guardians may also designate an emergency contact who will also be allowed to pick up the child. Children will not be allowed to attend if they have been sick over the previous 24 hours.
“We modeled Kids Spot after a similar facility at the Prince George’s Circuit Court,” said Court Administrator Judy Rupp. “We wanted to allow parents the opportunity to quickly finish their court business with few distractions, yet be comforted by the knowledge that their children are in a secure and entertaining environment.”
Kids Spot is stocked with games, books, toys, and arts and craft supplies. Staff also plan and organize activities for children of different ages throughout the day that they can join at any time. Since the facility is new, Circuit Court staff are also donating playthings to the Center.
Additional information about the facility and frequently asked questions may be found on the Circuit Court’s Website at http://www.montgomerycountymd.gov/circuitcourt/Court/Press/kidsspot.html. Residents with questions may also call the Circuit Court Administration Office at 240.777.9100.
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