photo of Sandy Spring Museum

Celebrate Eid al-Fitr

photo of Sandy Spring Museum

Sandy Spring Museum
Photo | Montgomery Planning

The Sandy Spring Museum is celebrating Eid al-Fitr- the Islamic holiday that marks the end of Ramadan and the month of fasting- with an afternoon of music, Middle Eastern food, art, and more.

This gathering is scheduled to take place on July 25 at 17901 Bentley Road in Sandy Spring. In the U.S., Eid ul-Fitr will begin at sundown on July 17.

According to the Montgomery County website, the holiday follows the month of Ramadan and falls on the first day of Shawwal; the tenth month in the Islamic calendar. It begins with a new moon where people in the Muslim community fast for 29 days and other for 30 days.

The event is from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. To RSVP, call 301.774.0022.


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