Mark Uncapher

September 2, 2012 | Mark Uncapher

Mark Uncapher

SEIU Protest

Being a Republican and a conservative in Montgomery County often requires a healthy sense of humor. Here is an example: This past Thursday protestors from SEIU Local 500 representing school bus drivers descended on Montgomery County’s Republican Party headquarters complaining about Romney’s comment that: “When a young person makes the honor roll, I know it […]

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August 30, 2012 | Mark Uncapher

Mark Uncapher

Rice and Ryan Focus on Issues

Paul Ryan and Condi Rice on Wednesday night at the Republican convention focused on the substantive policy differences between the parties. Ryan highlighted the challenges facing Medicare in the near future, while promising that any changes should not impact those currently on it. In contrast, Obamacare has depleted Medicare by over $700 billion.

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August 30, 2012 | Mark Uncapher

Mark Uncapher

A New Record?

In what may be a new record for him, Martin O’Malley’s response to a recent Wall Street Journal article critiquing ( see this Wall Street Journal article ) his performance, the Governor packed 10 lies and half-truths into just 90 words: First, the Governor: “According to the conservative group Change Maryland, 30,000 taxpayers fled the […]

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August 29, 2012 | Mark Uncapher

Governor Chris Christie at Republican National Convention 2012

Chris Christie’s Keynote

As moving as Anne Romney’s speech at the opening session of the Republican convention was, Governor Chris Christie remarks had special resonance for Marylanders. He noted that in New Jersey: “they told me — to cut taxes in a state where taxes were raised 115 times in the eight years before I became governor. That […]

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August 28, 2012 | Mark Uncapher

Mark Uncapher

Welcome to Tampa Martin O’Malley

Martin O’Malley is down in Tampa to campaign against Mitt Romney. The contrast of Maryland’s jobs record with other states such as Virginia, makes an apt comparison for this election. While other states held the line on increased spending and taxes and are in better shape, Maryland in lagging on job creation. Instead of encouraging private […]

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August 28, 2012 | Mark Uncapher

Tampa Bay Times Forum, site of 2012 Republican National Convention

“Used To Be From Maryland”

From the RNC Convention in Tampa At a large multi-delegation party Sunday night at the Republican Convention in Tampa, the most common greeting to Marylanders from attendees from Virginia, Delaware, Florida and even DC has been, “I used to be from Maryland, but I left because…..” The rest usually involved a new job somewhere else […]

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