Carmen’s Italian Ice Opens in Olney
Carmen’s Italian Ice officially opened in Olney April 30. It’s located on Spartan Road, in the same location as the old Rita’s Italian Ice and Frozen Custard, which closed permanently in the winter.
Carmen’s has been open in Rockville for 19 years. Its owner, Jason Mandler, who hales from New Jersey, describes the establishment’s frozen treat as “desert with a jersey attitude.”
Mandler said business in the Rockville location has been “down significantly compared to last year” because of the coronavirus closures. During the spring, Carmen’s usually is booked for events like parties and graduations, but that obviously hasn’t been able to happen this year so far.
Still, Mandler decided to go through with his plans of opening the Olney location despite this period of economic uncertainty.
Mandler said for about “another week or two,” the Olney location will be open—at the walk up windows only—Sundays through Thursdays. By the end of May it will be open seven days a week.
Carmen’s Italian Ice in Rockville has had to make adjustments for the coronavirus. A month ago, the business was approved for walk up windows. Before the entrance would get crowded, so these new windows have helped promote social distancing since there are now designated windows for ordering and picking up.
Despite the challenges that come with opening a business during a pandemic, Mander is grateful to be doing business in Olney.
“We’re happy to be in a community with a lot of regular customers that’s going to be…our fun place,” Mandler said.
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