Candidates for Rockville City Election

The ballot of candidates for November’s Rockville City elections is complete. The filing deadline was September 6. According to the City Clerk’s Office, there are two candidates for Mayor and six candidates for City Council. All candidates are certified. Elected officials serve two-year terms.

Candidates for Mayor:
Bridget Donnell Newton, current Rockville council member
Mark Pierzchala, current Rockville council member

Candidates for Council:
Julie Palakovich Carr
Beryl L. Feinburg
Donald H. (Don) Hadley, chair of Planning Commission
Tom Moore, current Rockville council member
Virginia Onley
Claire Marcuccio Whitaker

Upcoming election dates to note:

  • September 20: City Manager’s Candidate Orientation
  • October 7: Voter Registration Close
  • October 7: Absentee ballots available, the city has until October 29 to mail
  • November 5: Election Day. Polls open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
  • November 5: Unofficial results announced as soon as tabulating is complete
  • November 7: Deadline to challenge election results
  • November 12: Deadline for certification of results to City Clerk
  • November 17 1 – 4 p.m.: Inauguration of Mayor and Council at F. Scott Fitzgerald Theater, 603 Edmonston Drive

Rockville offers same day voter registration. Rockville residents who miss the October 7 deadline to register to vote can still do so on Election Day. To register on November 5, and vote, residents should go to City Hall, 111 Maryland Ave. Those residents must then also vote at City Hall. Residents must bring a valid photo ID, such as a driver’s license or state-issued ID card, and proof of residency. If the photo ID does not have an address, a document issued by a corporation and showing an address, such as a utility bill or lease, may be used to show proof of residency. Current real estate tax bills will also be accepted.

To register, a resident must be a U.S. citizen and must be at least 18 years of age by Nov. 5. For more information, call 240.314.8286.

Absentee Ballot Applications will be available through November 5. Applications for absentee ballots may be picked up in person at City Hall during normal business hours, requested via telephone at 240.314.8286, requested via email to or printed here.

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