Rockville Mayor Bridget Newton Kicks Off Reelection Campaign (PHOTOS & VIDEO)
UPDATED Dozens of supporters turned out for Rockville Mayor Bridget Newton’s campaign for reelection kickoff on Wednesday evening at Vis Arts.
The incumbent, Newton, is running for her second term as mayor.
Before Newton addressed the crowd, former Rockville mayors Steven Van Grack, James Coyle and Larry Giammo explained why they were supporting Newton in the Nov. 3rd election.
Van Grack said voters should support Newton because she is “a good person”
“This is the time to elect a proven leader,” said Coyle, who touted Newton’s leadership and focus.
Larry Giammo described Newton as a “friend” and applauded her two years of service. “Stepping forward to run is a lot of hard work,” said Giammo. He noted that Newton is a model of grace and civility in her position as mayor.
Newton said she was grateful for their kind words and support. Take a look:
“Rockville is thriving,” she told the crowd, noting several new businesses that will be soon opening in the Town Center and stating that Cambria Suites is booked solid. Just this week, Livability.com recognized Rockville as the number 17 best place to live in the country, Newton said.
She talked about the need to add more police officers, noting that the city with a population of 64,000 residents was protected by 59 city officers.
Schools are another important topic for Newton. She said it was imperative that Richard Montgomery Elementary School number five be built to accommodate 740 students and not just 600 students. Montgomery County is growing, she said.
“In the next six weeks, please give thought on who’s running and I ask you to support me,” Newton concluded.
Newton will face Sima Osdoby in the race for Mayor on Nov. 3.
Osdoby is running as part of the Team Rockville slate.
You can find out more about the upcoming city election, here.
Bridget Newton Touts Her Experience at Mayoral Campaign Kickoff (VIDEO)

In this MyMCMedia Extra video, Rockville Mayor Bridget Donnell Newton touts her experience as a “homemaker” while taking on Team Rockville, a slate of candidates opposing her reelection. Take a look: You can find more about Newton’s reelection campaign, here.
Rockville Mayor Bridget Newton Kicks Off Reelection Campaign (PHOTOS & VIDEO)

UPDATED Dozens of supporters turned out for Rockville Mayor Bridget Newton’s campaign for reelection kickoff on Wednesday evening at Vis Arts. The incumbent, Newton, is running for her second term as mayor. Before Newton addressed the crowd, former Rockville mayors Steven Van Grack, James Coyle and Larry Giammo explained why they were supporting Newton in the […]
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