Brandon Rippeon’s Position on Synthetic Turf
Brandon Rippeon, candidate for Montgomery County Board of Education District 3 race, participated in the April 23, 2018 Candidates’ Forum hosted by League of Women Voters of Montgomery County. Tracie Potts of NBC 4 moderated the forum. Rippeon responded to this question:
What is your position on synthetic turf? Should we be concerned about safety issues and cost of maintenance?
The forum included Ryan Arbuckle, Timur Edib, Marwa Omar Ibrahim, Julie Reiley, Brandon Orman Rippeon, John A. Robertson, Karla Silvestre, and Stephen Sugg in the At Large race; Lynn Amano, Patricia O’Neill, and Laura Simon in the District 3 race.
Laura Simon, Lynn Amano, Patricia O’Neill, and Brandon Rippeon responded to this question
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